
Did I ever answer my question? It's The Fellowship of the Ring. Wizard goes to see his mentor. Mentor lives in big black tower. Tells Mentor there's a threat. Mentor wants to side with it. They fight. Mentor imprisons wizard. Mentor has underground chambers below tower filled with an army of brutish minions. Oh, and Mentor is Christopher Lee. (Why nip an idea when you can nip the idea + the actor both?)

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OK. My first guess is the MATRIX!

That's not my guess. The only thing I keep coming back to is Galaxy Quest, the scene with the Rock, Garignack I think they called it. That whole sequence feels like I have seen it all before, but I am drawing a blank.

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Good guys but no! I will post the answer next week if not sooner!

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It's Gladiator isn't it?

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Isn’t everything? And yes, the subsequent part it is but I’m talking about just where the set pieces come from.

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