Jul 14, 2023Liked by Lou Anders


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I’d be down for a Clara rewatch but I never cared for Capaldi. He’s a fine actor, but I couldn’t get used to him as the Doctor. Maybe if I saw it again, I’d like him more.

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I think he is the best Doctor they have ever had. But I acknowledge that he is an old series Doctor. He seems to combine the best of the first fourth and seventh Doctors. I recognize that he does not work as well for an audience used to young, romantic Doctors, flirting with their companions. He also does a lot with every line, compressing so much into each moment. I do think it would benefit with a rewatch for you.

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First few episodes I watched starred David Tennant. The first Doctor I consistently viewed was Matt Smith, and I saw all of that run. So I'm sure that colors my perception of Capaldi. I did't like the early era of Doctor Who when I was a kid. I just couldn't get into it. I absolutely adore Clara, though. So I wouldn't be opposed to giving it a shot.

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